Thursday, June 21, 2012


Arghh.. feels like so demotivated today!
I feel so exhausted and my body is weak,
I keep on reminding and motivating myself
but still makes no difference.
Actually it started from yesterday,
When I came back home from work, I feel extremely tired and I've lost my mood at nowhere.
Everything didn't seem right,
And worsen,
I scolded Hadiff.(yell precisely)
Of course when I did that yesterday I feel like doing it with reason nak mengajar kunun,
But when I woke at 3 am this morning I know I have 1001 other way to teach him.
It's tough really!
I always expect him to sit and behave and read and focus doing things but I forget he just 2 years young kiddo!!
I feel so bad..
I know my precious acts like he didn't care but deep inside he confused and hurt! :(

To Rayyan Hadiff, one day if you read this,
I am truly sorry for always not being patient with you,
Please bear with me,
I'm struggling and still learning how to be the best mother to you.
Somehow please remember I love you with all my heart,
And I promise I will take any chances, risks and everything to be the best teacher and momma.
I may not be the best but I will learn how to be one,

But for today..


1 comment:

  1. tersentuh ngan kata2 akak :

    I'm struggling and still learning how to be the best mother to you.
    Somehow please remember I love you with all my heart,
    And I promise I will take any chances, risks and everything to be the best teacher and momma.

    me too sometimes felt same way dear......
    we wil try my best eh dear, amin :)
    I may not be the best but I will learn how to be one,
