Tuesday, April 12, 2011

.:Stress oh stress:.

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Read my lips, people
I am stress..
Yes,it's S.T.R.E.S.S
Trying so hard to tell myself that I'm okay
which is not(takut effect pengeluaran susu, dahla ala-ala takat hidung skang nih)
My work load had piled up..
Handling big bosses,small bosses is such a torturing phase to me..
My 'to do list' is increasing without mercy
And being not-dat-intelligent-and-well knowledge is bothering me..i wish i'm smarter and genius!
And..phew,i 'm sighing which is i should have not
Again..I remind myself how lucky I am to have job while others don't
Untuk menghilang stress yang menggunung ini,why not kita listkan..
Apa yang boleh dilakukan untuk menghilangkan ke'tensenan' yang menggila ini

Yeah, treat urself with food..yessss...i love eating..i love good unhealthy food ..who doesn't?hmm..maybe i try to cook good food..

Tapi,kalau masak tak sedap nanti boleh bikin stress juger..
pastu dah sah-sah aku yang mengabeskan makanan itu
Dan tambah pulak berat badan..tambah lagik stress
Hmm..who cares though?

How bout shopping??
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Yeaahh,nice one..pastu duit aku abes 
pastu aku stress jugak 

A vacation,yes?

Jom.Hadiff..let's pack our stuff and ajak papa for a getaway,sayang

I love having a vacation..
with my mr.kumbang and precious..

but  both of us do not have time..
I've told you my work load tengah men'cekik' skarang ni :(

Alrite, Alice..off to reality..wake up from ur Wonderland.*sigh*

notakaki : sedang mem'blog' sambil menikmati iced latte from Coffee Bean..oh,yes..it works in reducing my stress* a lil bit*

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