Friday, March 4, 2011

Hadiff Masuk Hospital

Toing...yes. and it's scary..
Seeing our baby being hospitalised is no all.
Syukur, Rayyan Hadiff was so strong.
Even he was hitted with very high temperature he could fight it without antibiotic.
Only paracetamol and breastmilk.
Mama proud of you
of course with the monitoring from all the team in KPJ Tawakal Hospital
Thank you, Dr Kishore..nurses in KPJ Tawakal and all Hadiffs' friends in ward Violet
may Allah bless u =)
Gambar will update later,k?

notakaki : busy weh..busy


  1. bape suhu hadiff mase demam sis?
    sedey kan? smlm first time suhu faris tggi sgt, 38.7deg..nyaris2 kne msk hosp.
    alhammdulillah faris pn kuat fight demam
    mkn ubat n suhu umi..alhamdulillah da recover

  2. suhu dia around 39.9 degree..paling rendah turun after amik ubat only 38.9..wah..sangat risau okay

  3. every parents will go thru this situation. I believe this will make us to get nearer and remember Allah always. hopefully no more demam2 to my sweet chubby Hadiff!!

  4. tggi nye suhu hadiff! mmg sgt risau dear
