Friday, February 24, 2012

Happy Birthday, Sayang!

We fight, 
We make up,
We share secrets over a coffee cup.
Sometimes you're my friend, 
Sometimes a guide, 
You are the person in whom I take pride. 
What would I have done if you weren't born on this lovely day
29 years ago?

So, thank you mak, Puan Norisah Yusof
for sacrificing life giving birth my darling husband.
I hope he can be the best son for you.
The best leader in our family,
The best father to my children
The best Imam in our Jemaah
and the best friend I ever had..

and yes, sure he did!
He is the best thing ever happened in my life.

So thank you, sayang..
This song goes to you :)

gambar ni  tahun 2006 kat cameron highland..time ni kitorang still  bestfriend..couple2 ni geli la..kahkahkah

ni gambar kitorang kat turkey..tak sangka dialah husband ku sebab time kitorang pergi ni kitorang masih lagi ber'aku engkau' huhu

masih lagi di turkey..kurang asam betol budak nih..nampak tak tangan dia tuh..sebab lepas tu dia cuba raba blakang aku..ceh

kitorang pergi bertiga ke turki..nampak tengah tu..itulah my another mak..i heart u so much..kalau ku tau ku akan nikahi anak mu takkan ku selamba memaki hamun anakmu di depan mu waktu itu *malu* -_-

hope u have a great year, Mr Kumbang..
May Allah bless u and 

I love U like a love song, bebeh!

notakaki : entri ini telah dikarang di malam 19 hb februari tapi takat masuk fail deraf je la..hehe mak busy,nok